09 April 2006

I'm in Nemi strip!

I'm in the newest finnish Nemi album, Kevättä Hampaissa, well sort of. Originally boy's hair was blond so I colored it to resemble me more. XD

Rough translation in english:

Boy: What an ugly shoes!
Nemi: Excuse me?
Boy: I'm just being honest.

Boy: Yup, I'm just like that. I'm used to tell everything right into the face. People just have to live with it.

Nemi: OK, you have prominent ears, eyes too close to each other, bad skin, weak voice, hairs coming out of your nose, trousers that doesn't fit from your ass and jacket that blind man wouldn't wipe his ass.

Nemi: Fake

Feikki= finnish slang word for fake, comes from english.

05 April 2006

4, 3, 2, 1, Ignition. First picture has been displayed succesfully

Josh, the IDW publishing's Beast Wars colorist posted coloring guide to IDW's forum and I went and tried it. I picked inkku's picture where Silverstreak (or was he Bluestreak) has passed out with Rumble and Frenzy after few too many Energon shots. Damn, she has wicked sense of humor! =) She originally posted that pic at NTFA Forum. Coloring was fun, though picture had only 75 dpi. If I only find more time and inspiration I'll color more inkku's art.

03 April 2006

Test site testing

I guess this is working! =)

Coming soon some of my projects and various stuff that I've liked